Wednesday, February 11, 2009


according to Wikipedia is an unconscious burst of creativity in an artistic, musical, or other intellectual endeavor.

My inspiration comes suddenly, I can never expect it, it can catch me wherever I am: park, home, transport and so on. This "thing" happened to me while I was in a class of maths in secondary school so you can imagine this thing is pretty old. Be carefull :)))

Then this came to me after I first time used a scanner mashine, that my father gave me as a present that day.. Couple of strokes in Photoshop and I got this:

And finally using the same good old Photoshop filters I got this one. Most of my friends say that they like the previous one more, but IMHO I love this one.

I wonder what would be your opinion?


Xandacona said...

I am impatient for more posts :)

Xandacona said...

By the way, I tried to write before, but it didn't work.

Your skills are amazing. How old where you when you drawed the first draw?

I really want to see more!

Imedia said...

Well... It depends on what to consider to be the first drawing))) But if you are speaking about Venus, I think I was 16... or 15.. I don't remember..

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