Wednesday, February 11, 2009


according to Wikipedia is an unconscious burst of creativity in an artistic, musical, or other intellectual endeavor.

My inspiration comes suddenly, I can never expect it, it can catch me wherever I am: park, home, transport and so on. This "thing" happened to me while I was in a class of maths in secondary school so you can imagine this thing is pretty old. Be carefull :)))

Then this came to me after I first time used a scanner mashine, that my father gave me as a present that day.. Couple of strokes in Photoshop and I got this:

And finally using the same good old Photoshop filters I got this one. Most of my friends say that they like the previous one more, but IMHO I love this one.

I wonder what would be your opinion?


You might have wondered why I have chosen this topic for my blog. Well the answer is that I love art.

I love art...

I love art in every single it's display whether it is a painting of a famous artist or my niece's drawing magneted to my freezer.

As for me I draw since I was a child and it's my general hobby. Here is one my drawings you could notice on the heading of my blog.

It's been a very rainy evening in Saint-Petersburg (where I'm originally from), I was sitting on a floor of my room and dreamig of going somewhere warm and carefree... My first thought was about Greece, and that's how my inspiration came.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Ok... Here goes. This is the first message I've ever posted to a blog. The main topic of my blog is going to be art. Here I am going to post as artworks of famous and not very famous artists and artworks of my own. Hope you're gonna be interested in my blog.